GONZALES GMP&Colegiu National \" Ion Luca Caragiale\"
Part of the ROU Region
Rookie Year: 2020
Top OPR: 161.59847560323635 (Romania Campionatul National 070000)
Qual Rank #7 with a record of 5-3-0 and an OPR of 147.0625
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Qual Rank #10 with a record of 5-3-0 and an OPR of 158.59445415003077
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Qual Rank #10 with a record of 4-2-0 and an OPR of 161.59847560323635
Motivate Award Finalist
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Qual Rank #11 with a record of 10-0-0 and an OPR of 78.99764743634624
Design Award Finalist
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Qual Rank #11 with a record of 10-0-0 and an OPR of 86.62453102632361
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Qual Rank #13 with a record of 8-2-0 and an OPR of 46.369989808480426
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Qual Rank #7 with a record of 4-2-0 and an OPR of 53.08333333333337
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