Verita International School
Qual Rank #39 with a record of 5-4-1 and an OPR of 11.361614766701534
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Qual Rank #39 with a record of 5-4-1 and an OPR of 28.86611381699724
Qualifications | ||||||
Q-2 | 44 - 0 | 19064 | 24345 | 25352 | 25145 | |
Q-5 | 81 - 72 | 21476 | 24345 | 20131 | 15991 | |
Q-6 | 45 - 77 | 25352 | 15989 | 24345 | 19128 | |
Q-7 | 20 - 20 | 19064 | 25145 | 15991 | 24345 | |
Q-10 | 49 - 68 | 19128 | 21476 | 25145 | 24345 | |
Q-14 | 22 - 78 | 24345 | 25352 | 15991 | 19128 |
All times are displayed in your local timezone.
Qual Rank #52 with a record of 1-5-0 and an OPR of 16.366619759010415
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