Qual Rank #30 with a record of 1-6-0 and an OPR of 69.35714285714289
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Qual Rank #37 with a record of 2-4-0 and an OPR of 145.05531575270737
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Qual Rank #18 with a record of 9-1-0 and an OPR of 58.77856869156351
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Qual Rank #18 with a record of 9-1-0 and an OPR of
Qual Rank #19 with a record of 5-5-0 and an OPR of 37.39958545507292
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Qual Rank #12 with a record of 2-4-0 and an OPR of 39.763888888888836
Qualifications | ||||||
Q-1 | 98 - 20 | 20265 | 19061 | 17881 | 19053 | |
Q-2 | 24 - 163 | 21087 | 17881 | 21028 | 19061 | |
Q-4 | 100 - 55 | 19053 | 20265 | 21087 | 19061 | |
Q-6 | 150 - 46 | 21028 | 17881 | 19061 | 19053 | |
Q-8 | 126 - 52 | 21087 | 20265 | 17881 | 19061 | |
Q-9 | 39 - 174 | 19053 | 19061 | 21028 | 20265 |
All times are displayed in your local timezone.