Colegiul National \"Dimitrie Cantemir\"
Qual Rank #23 with a record of 8-2-0 and an OPR of 58.372972052658966
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Qual Rank #23 with a record of 8-2-0 and an OPR of 80.33191487007885
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Qual Rank #23 with a record of 8-2-0 and an OPR of 27.499460119694962
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Qual Rank #4 with a record of 4-2-0 and an OPR of 47.75000000000006
Qualifications | ||||||
Q-1 | 173 - 9 | 20954 | 19043 | 22017 | 22998 | |
Q-4 | 39 - 112 | 19147 | 22017 | 19139 | 20954 | |
Q-5 | 83 - 26 | 22998 | 21097 | 19147 | 20954 | |
Q-7 | 92 - 23 | 20954 | 22998 | 19139 | 19100 | |
Q-9 | 75 - 52 | 19043 | 19147 | 19100 | 20954 | |
Q-11 | 51 - 66 | 22017 | 19100 | 20954 | 21097 |
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