Colegiul Național „Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu”
From Buzău, BZ, Romania
Part of the ROU Region
Rookie Year: 2020
Top OPR: 146.50 (Italy Championship)
Qual Rank #4 with a record of 3-3-0 and an OPR of 89.56
Qual Rank #6 with a record of 5-1-0 and an OPR of 146.50
Qual Rank #5 with a record of 10-0-0 and an OPR of 110.39
Qual Rank #5 with a record of 10-0-0 and an OPR of 137.23
Qual Rank #5 with a record of 9-1-0 and an OPR of 68.18
Qual Rank #6 with a record of 4-2-0 and an OPR of 38.77