Colegiul Tehnic \"Alesandru Papiu Ilarian\"
From Zalau, SJ, Romania
Part of the ROU Region
Rookie Year: 2020
Top OPR: 89.73 (North Romania League Tournament)
Qual Rank #31 with a record of 9-1-0 and an OPR of 89.73
Qual Rank #31 with a record of 9-1-0 and an OPR of 71.67
Qual Rank #35 with a record of 6-4-0 and an OPR of 40.08
Qual Rank #31 with a record of 5-5-0 and an OPR of 30.01
Qual Rank #25 with a record of 4-2-0 and an OPR of 79.64