Colegiul Naţional Petru Rares
Qual Rank #55 with a record of 1-5-0 and an OPR of 51.477678351070956
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Qual Rank #39 with a record of 1-5-0 and an OPR of 1.3618336333775862
Connect Award Winner
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Qual Rank #35 with a record of 1-5-0 and an OPR of 14.312631680950513
Qualifications | ||||||
Q-2 | 15 - 17 | 15966 | 21996 | 17870 | 19152 | |
Q-4 | 9 - 37 | 15966 | 21089 | 22114 | 18026 | |
Q-8 | 130 - 29 | 19056 | 18338 | 19152 | 15966 | |
Q-10 | 89 - 20 | 15966 | 22586 | 21089 | 24310 | |
Q-15 | 97 - 11 | 18338 | 19101 | 15966 | 19052 | |
Q-19 | 141 - 99 | 22586 | 19101 | 19056 | 15966 |
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