Mckamy Middle School
Qual Rank #2 with a record of 5-0-0 and an OPR of 47.64763715612945
All times are displayed in your local timezone.
Qual Rank #19 with a record of 7-3-0 and an OPR of
Qual Rank #20 with a record of 6-4-0 and an OPR of 61.33333333333335
Qualifications | ||||||
Q-2 | 139 - 89 | 24564 | 15877 | 21870 | 19567 | |
Q-4 | 107 - 95 | 24450 | 23465 | 21965 | 21870 | |
Q-11 | Sat 3:05 PM | 24450 | 21870 | 21474 | 24293 | |
Q-13 | Sat 3:18 PM | 23343 | 22077 | 21870 | 15877 | |
Q-16 | Sat 3:37 PM | 21965 | 19990 | 21870 | 21474 | |
Q-19 | Sat 3:57 PM | 24293 | 21870 | 24117 | 21932 |
All times are displayed in your local timezone.
Qual Rank #15 with a record of 3-3-0 and an OPR of 11.437517108993436
Qualifications | ||||||
Q-1 | 8 - 21 | 23465 | 24117 | 24450 | 21870 | |
Q-7 | 64 - 22 | 21514 | 21870 | 21965 | 24660 | |
Q-12 | 27 - 26 | 9001 | 22077 | 21870 | 24117 | |
Q-15 | 49 - 67 | 12167 | 19990 | 21870 | 21965 | |
Q-18 | 16 - 21 | 21870 | 12167 | 24729 | 15878 | |
Q-21 | 17 - 28 | 21870 | 9511 | 24450 | 24293 |
All times are displayed in your local timezone.